Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Everything is as it should be....Everything is right....Everything happens for a reason....

Some people have asked how each of these statements could be true without contradicting each other. But do they contradict each other?

Words, once written or published as gospel, exist with the possibility of becoming fixed, frozen in time. No longer malleable.

What if each person, upon hearing these words agreed on their definitions in part but not in their entirety. Confusion and disagreements could certainly ensue.

The universe works in some ways that are still quite mysterious and some ways that are known. And each of the statements above are very much in alignment with at least one known law: the law-of-attraction.

Let's address them one at a time.

Everything is as it should be:

As the underlying mechanisms and laws of universe are working, our human input and/or interactions within the universe are existing within this context. The universal machine is working perfectly, without judgement or bias. Like a perfect computer - data in (our input) = results out.

So whether or not we are feeling an appreciation for what we are experiencing in life, everything is working perfectly, the universal computer is on task. And therefore everything is at is should be when we are looking at our conditions, experiences and outcomes. It is up to us to work with the machine more consciously, if we want a shift in our reality, so that we may work with it in ways that result in joyous be-ing, in a joyous life.

Everything is right:

Everything is right does not necessarily mean that everything is good or wonderful or fair in any kind of obvious way. It simply means, in terms of the
law-of-attraction, that everything is reflected perfectly back from the source of a thought or belief (humans) out into reality.

Imagine standing inside a very immense tapestry-like, cloth-sphere - but all around you is a super large, blank canvas, surrounding you in every direction. This is a magic canvas because every thought you have, every belief - whether it is conscious or subconscious - it projected onto that canvas, creating a 3-dimensional, moving tapestry that is becomes life. Everything is then right, balanced in the way that our thoughts are balanced as reflections demonstrated as a life drama.

Everything happens for a reason:

In this case "reason" just means "cause." Everything happens as the result of a first cause - a thought, belief or intention. In this way there is always a reason. But it is not about judgment or punishment from 'out there' or an ego-plagued, all mysterious, wrathful god. But rather the vibration or frequency [the inter-weaving of all of these] which materializes as an 'individuated' consciousness - the reality of which is determined by its own dominant mental blueprints. This is what creates or designs a subjective reality. One that may even sometimes appear to culminate in destiny.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Secret Is The Law Of Frequency & Vibration
What is this Universal Law?

It is just one of the universal principles that informs the governing all things and all realities - locally and multidimensionally, individually and infinitely. It is one of the universal laws that contributes to the cause of all experiences in our personal worlds and beyond.

You can know that thought and time and space are connected in a way that may inspire you to consider a whole new paradigm for living. Why? Because you can have, be and do anything you wish if you have a working knowledge of the relationship between you and your Universe.

If you think this would be difficult, there is more good news:

You are already working with this fundamental axiom in your Life, everyday. It operates perfectly - and has since long before any of us were born. 'Now' is simply an opportunity to allow the awareness of this law to help bring our dreams into a crystallized form.

All things, Great and Infinitesimal, resonate in the realm of frequencies. All forms (including thought-forms) are made of an invisible, infinite substance that is, once it's impressed by mental blueprints, moulded into comprehensible patterns that are then projected onto the screen of consciousness. Each literally vibrating to the tune of its own song. Composing harmonics that are the back of the ever evolving simple creations to the ever evolving complex creations. This results in living the experiences of our world.

Vibration + Visualization = Manifestation

Vibration can also be called Frequency

Materialized forms can also be called Thoughts and Beliefs.


Thought + Physical Sensation + Emotion = Materialization

If you don't like what you see within your personal sphere think something new. Accompany this with a corresponding physical feeling and a corresponding emotion of your new Imagining. Borrow these new feelings from a past event and/or an anticipated future if you have to. Then, bring all of this into the only moment there is (The Ever-Now). Do this consistently, repeatedly, knowing that it is already true. This is how you can allow your subconscious, your faithful Life navigator, to accept reordered, fresh truths. Because this is how it gives you the phenomenal gift of the awareness of heaven-on-earth-right-now.